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Off-topic Latin request.

Sorry to send this to the list, I forgot who is good with Latin.

Are the starting words below a proper translation, and what's the best way 
of translating the whole thing? I have a gift planned for the friend who
sent me this.

You can reply privately to this part, so as not to clutter the list

Forwarded message:
> if you ever see a shirt that begins
> "Catapultum Habeo" but translates
> 'I have a catapult. Give me all the gold or I will hurl a rock at your head'
> I want it! I lost mine, and its absense is felt sorely here. ;)

ObVoynich: Is there any significance to the _absence_ of different objects
in the VMS pictures? I was thinking first of siege engines and then simple
things like carts, draft animals, and other objects one might expect in the
few scenes which seem to depict a landscape in the background? I've seen
other medieval engravings which feature an object, person or plant, but
there's often detail in the background landscape as I describe.


Adams Douglas, San Diego, CA   Adams@xxxxxxxxxxx
PGP Public Keys: http://Adams.Douglas.net/pgpkey.txt
UTM:11S0487200 3623500 MGRS-2:11SMS872235 (100-meter)

               "Geography is only physics slowed down            
                with a few trees stuck on it."
                                   ---Terry Pratchett