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Re: About Turkish

Rene wrote:
> But, it is also worth mentioning that Turkish is one of the most
> regular languages in the world. There are hardly any exceptions
> to the grammatical rules, if at all (!) (This actually is the only
> bit I knew about Turkish until this post came around :-) )
> >   Note that Turks used the Arabic alphabet until the 1920's or so.

One thing to mention is that Turkish actually wasn't as regular as it
now is before the 1920's. (That's when Kemal Atatu:rk switched the
language to using the Roman alphabet (with additions) that it now
uses, and made the language as regular as it now is.) 

Someone else already pointed out that the Turkish used at the time of
the VMS' production would likely be far different; this is just a
reinforcement of that. 

Dean Gahlon