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Re: Galileo's daughter

Dennis wrote:

> Hmmm...  I just read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".  I've always thought we need
> a good Knights Templar theory.

For Pete's dake, Dennis, I've already proposed a perfectly good (and half
serious) theory involving the Rosicrucians -- what more do you want? The
Rosicrusian manifestos, with their references to the organization of the
Ros. fraternity "first by four persons only, and by them was made
the magical language and writing, with a large dictionary, which we yet 
daily use," the single concrete circumstantial detail of a Brother J.O.
in England who had cured a young Earl of Norfolk of leprosy, and a date
for the death of Christian Rosencrans of 1484 (consistent with the date
of ~1470 that Panofsky would have assigned the Voynich if not for the
supposedly post-Columbian plants), were an effort to flush out the
authors of the Voynich.
