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Right-Left stoke matching
Jorge Stofi wrote:
>Speaking of which: a while ago I posted a message calling attention to
>the above, and to the apparent correlation between the right stroke of
>each glyph and the left stroke of the following glyph. Has anyone else
>checked that claim? (I still haven't had time to follow it up
>properly; perhaps over the weekend...).
>All the best,
Yes indeed, I did a calculation to find a correlation between character
pairs and the the following numbers:
105547 occurences of char pairs with r-l matching strokes
28459 pairs with non matching strokes.
The matching test was done "visually", i.e first I wrote an awk-script to
find all pairs of characters with an overall count (absolute number),
converted the output into MS ACCESS and then inspected the table using the
EVA-Font (only 228 differnet pairs whre found by my script, .*,-=% in pairs
where excluded.
If interest exists, I can export may ACCESS table as text and post it.
Claus Anders