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Hi all,
today I played a little crypto-game with my daughter and I had an idea, how
to crypt a text, which can be easy read given the right key.
The key is a piece of cardboard size at least a quarter of the intented
paper size.
The key itself consists of randomly punchend holes in the card (one hole=one
The distribution of the holes (about 10-20 depending on the card size) must
be asymetrically in order to get 4 different patterns by turning the card at
90 degrees and anoteher set of 4 by turning the card by itself (backside).
On each corner I put the character f,k,p and t to indicate the 90 degree
turn and the back side is marked with cfc ckc cpc and ctc,
In to the first hole (upper left corner) I write the character of the index
(fkp or t resp. cfc..).Into the next hole I write my plain text (with or
without word separators) starting from top going down from left to right.
When I'm out of holes, I can use the same key or turn the card at will
finding empty room on my piece of paper until the page is filled at about
80% (arbitraly). The I fill the left 20% with whatever character I like.
Reading this text will be very easy:
Look for one of the index characters, put the card with the right index on
this character and read the text in the given sequence.

This method has a lot of freedom for the encoding:
The size of the card, number and distribution of holes writing sequence,
percentage of filling the page and so on.
But: reading is extremly easy given the key and knowing the sequence of
Disadvange of this method: I can't encode labels or circular diagrams with
such card, I have to use a differnt encoding scheme here.
But it could explain the gallows as index points in the VMS.
And I can create a low entropy by choosing always the same next letter
during filling, i.e before o always 4, after i always i or n, before space
always y...
Just an idea. (I don't if such a method was thought in the course of VMS