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Re: Sukhotin's Algorithm

As I understand, "ctvrthodina"--properly spelled with a hook over the c--is stressed on the first syllable, as is virtually every other Czech word in the standard language. The first vowel here is "r", which itself has a syllabic value in Czech--no other short vowel is really implied.  The orthography's a little inconsistent here: the c is pronounced in this context like "sh" in "shot", so the word is roughly pronounced "shtvRthodina."

-Scott Hersey

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001 10:34:35   Mark Perakh wrote:
>In the sequence ctvrthodina the first five characters mean quarter,
>hence a short e is implied between c and t, and there must be stress on
>that implied e.  Hodina means hour and the stress is on i. However, when
>two words are concatenated, the stress may shift, so in a rapid speech
>quite probably the first stress fallls on the second implied short e,
>which is between v and r.  I cannot understand spoken Czech, but rather
>easily understand the written one. Interesting that while in Russian the
>sequence of several consonants in a row is much less common than in
>Czech and Polish, it is still found in a number of words, for example
>pretknovenie, osushchestvlenie, konstrukciya, rasprostranenie, etc.,
>hence given that Sukhotin was (or is?) a Russian, his assumption seems
>strange. Mark
>Rene Zandbergen wrote:
>> "Rafal T. Prinke" wrote:
>> >    Strch prst skrz krk.
>> Seem familiar, Jorge?
>> Or, where lies the stress in: ctvrthodina (quarter of an hour)?
>> Cheers, Rene

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