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Voynich: important list change coming soon

RAND has been very kind to let us continue to use their mailing list
for the last five years since I left the company, but that's now ending.
I'm looking for a new home for the mailing list, and will let you know
ASAP where it's going to land.  This will mean changes to the contact
information in lots of places over the net, and I'd appreciate any help
you can give in contacting places that have the old voynich@xxxxxxxx
and voynich-request@xxxxxxxx names... AFTER I have the new one to give

I'm not sure how clean the transition will be, so you might want to
either limit your submissions to voynich@xxxxxxxx over the next week
or two, or be prepared to resubmit them to the new address.

More information soon...
	Jim Gillogly
	Highday, 9 Rethe S.R. 2002, 23:54, 6 Oc 8 Kayab, First Lord of Night