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VMs: Re: Folio 57v

Hi GC,

In order to do this, the label outside the ring
would have only one meaning - the 'north', 'pole'
or 'artike' star.  There are a host of name
variations for this.  the outside ring of very
short names have to be star alignments, therefore
star names.  I would expect the single character
words to be probably numerical equivalents for the
zodiac signs, and the rest to be names of 'fixed
stars' within that particular zodiac house.

If the alphabet itself was derived from astrological signs, then some of the single characters may actually be those ones derived from the appropriate sign.

For example, in the arrangement I've been looking at, the looped picnic table is located within Sagittarius - and it's not hard to see (steganographically hidden within the symbol) the cross, shaft, and head of the Sagittarian glyph.

As normal, in the absence of more definitive proof, this may simply be projection on my part (and I don't mean the alchemical kind - no silver quoits in my house). :-)

I'd welcome any advice at all on where to find
information on the construction of these devices.
I have several books from this time period with
similar volvelles, and I'm going to spend some
time going back and reading these sections very
carefully.  In the meantime I'm open to new ideas
on this that might explain different uses for this

I'm currently talking with some volvelle experts (there aren't that many out there), so will ask for their recommendations on this & pass them on.

Incidentally, I've also ordered a copy (for $15) of the uncompressed TIFF for this page from the Beinecke - Juan Rivera-Herrera (who's now in charge of VMS-related queries there) highly commends the quality of the TIFFs, so I can't wait to see what I get for my money. :-)

Closer examination has already yielded some nearly-invisible text beside the radial label at 7pm in the middle - with a bit of image enhancement, we may be able to make out what it says...

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....