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VMs: Posting area for Voynich font material, images, etc.

Okay, so we talked about it and we'll see how it works out.

I've got my board up and running again, and there is now a place
for Voynich material.  This week I'll be adding a copy of the EVA
font for downloading, as well as my own font.  Anyone out there
with their own special transcription fonts please let me know.  (I
also have a font and worksheet program for the Zodiac cipher I'll
be adding, if you're into homophonic cipher written by the

I've got to check the settings and permissions, but for now I'll
allow the attachment of image files and other things that are
above the abilities of text-only, and I don't mind that you link
to the area you're posting to.  It's public right now, but it
things get too wierd we'll make it private.  Hope it doesn't come
to that.

the URL is http://www.baconbooks.net/discus/index.html.  If
somebody will try to post file attachment or something, I'd
appreciate it.