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Re: VMs: new revelations

Here is a quote from The London Times, March 25, 1930, p. 21, col. 2:
           MR. W. M. VOYNICH
  "Mr. R. S. Garnett writes: --Mr. Voynich
came to see me (I forget about what) some 10
years ago. He said (I give the effect) :--"I
was very miserable not knowing what to do,
and very poor, when it occurred to me to ask
your father (to whom I had chatted about
books on many occasions) in the reading room
of the British Museum if he could possibly
help me. He replied, 'Nothing is easier. You
have only to travel and pick up incunabula
and rare books, and sell them in London. There
is success in front of you.' I took your father's
advice, and to-day I am what the world calls
a 'successful man.'" "
Dana Scott
----- Original Message -----
From: Rene Zandbergen
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 12:41 PM
To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: VMs: new revelations

--- "Rafal T. Prinke" <rafalp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> There are also 3 obituaries:
>    Times [Newspaper of London]. ``Mr. W. M.
> Voynich.'' 22 Mar 1930,
>    p 17 col 2; 25 Mar p 21 col 2; 26 Mar p 18 col 4.
> [Obituary. Not
> seen.]
> which indicates that Voynich died shortly before 22
> Mar 1930

Jim Reeds posted some biographical details about
Voynich in the early years of the mailing list.
I don't remember offhand if that included a
death date. Maybe Jim has a source somewhere
at hand...

In addition, the Grollier club has some telegrams
related to his death among its holdings.

The fact that Voynich was an active and successful
old book dealer is evident from many things.
Adam McLean has come across many alchemist
documents that passed through his hands. Of
course, he must have started small, and one
may well speculate what the source of his starting
capital may have been.
Whether he was at any time very knowledgable about
old books remains an open question, but he strikes
me as the kind of person who could make a good
business out of many different things....

Cheers, Rene

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