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Re: VMs: Re: VMS in Russia?
> "DANA SCOTT" <dscott520@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/b/beckx_p_j.shtml
and Rafal:
> This one indicates there was a 1897 German
> translation
> of the Dutch biography of Beckx.
Indeed that's also how I interpreted it.
I read the Dutch one (Flemish, really) and
there are hints in it that there is further
biographical information about him which could
be highly interesting. This is located in the
Archives of the SJ, which is near the Vatican
in Rome. Note that I have learned from one of
the archivists there that the 'private library'
of Fr. Beckx (and in fact any general) is the
collection of his books and papers, and is
being kept there.
Last time I was near Rome for work (mid-
December), I was actually in Frascati and wasted
time getting closer to the Mondragone, just out
of curiosity. (But the views are magnificent).
Next time I should be prepared to visit the
ARSI. Whenever that will be....
Cheers, Rene
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