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Re: AW: VMs: Latin Abbreviations
Anders, Claus wrote:
Couldn't find any copy under the link.Please be more specific.
Claus - I usually use the US version of the same site:
http://www.abe.com . Enter Adriano Cappelli in the search box,
and you get three choices, one of which is there in Germany:
1. CAPPELLI, Adriano:
Dizionario di Abbreviature latine ed italiane. (Reprint d. 6.Aufl. Mailand 1929)
Mailand 1967. LXVI, 531 S., Abb. u. Taf., Bibliographie. Kl 8 Ln. unentbehrliches Nachschlagewerk für Archivare u. Benutzer früher Handschriften*.
Bookseller Inventory #43288
Price: US$ 47.08 (Convert Currency)
Bookseller: Antiquariat Bergische Bücherstube Mewes, Overath, D, Germany
Hope this helps...
Jim Gillogly
Sterday, 7 Afteryule S.R. 2003, 16:24, 10 Ben 6 Kankin, Seventh Lord of Night
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