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VMs: Astronomical Section Update ---Replies

Dana Scott wrote:

> Very nice job. I am wondering if these dates would change significantly if
> the heavens were viewed from say Florence, Milan, or Pisa?

CW Lee wrote:

> Could you estimate the radius around Prague (10 miles, 100 miles, 300
> miles?) in which those sightings could have occured?

The only event that is specific to Prague is the solar eclipse. The
would be visible anywhere, just at a slightly different angle, or at a
slightly earlier or later time.

Larry Roux wrote:

> If your guesses are right then the text around the "sun" on f68r2 may
> include the date "1615"

I think you're right; it's difficult to tell on my copy. If I'm not
it can be read in both the Moon and the Planet text. I'll take a look
with my software. I definately see it as the 4th word in the 3rd line
of text on that folio.

> If you have a chart of Voynich characters->Numbers that you have
> identified so far could you send that?

I took the number/character values given on f49v as my starting
point. Here is what I've got:

#    EVA
0    p
1    o
2    r
3    y
4    e
5    '    l
6    t
7    s    a

Jim Gillogly wrote:

> I can't comment sensibly on the astronomy, but I must say I don't
> see the resemblance with Tycho.  I don't see a moustache at all,
> and Tycho's were quite prominent and distinctive.  The nose in the
> picture, though small, seems intended to be normal.

I can be wrong, of course. It might be depicting the 1604
supernova,  Kepler's Star.

I played around  with the brightness and contrast, and managed
to get a hint of the moustache. To the lower left, it looks like the
point of the moustache can be seen, and the way the lips are drawn
they cut off on either side. I asked my stepson's roommate if he
could see it, and he could. He agreed it resembled Tycho. But
your milage may vary.

David Jones wrote:

> Is it possible that these are conjunctions with reference to one or two
> bright stars?

Well, looking at the diagram, the identified conjunctions are all planets,
depicted with faces, so there's no reason to think it would be otherwise
on the other two. I think the second word in the "tree" on the SW corner
is 1567, so I'll be doing more looking.


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