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VMs: Explaining My Line of Reasoning on the Astronomical Diagrams

Gabriel Landini wrote:

> > f68r1 depicts a conjunction of the Moon and Mars in Taurus that took
> > place on 27 December 1533.
> >
> > f68r2 shows a Moon/Planet conjuction that has not yet been identified.
> Can you explain how you reached this conclusion?

Certainly. As I've said, I am taking a literal approach--what you see
is what it is. I will explain the diagram of f68r1.

The lower figure is the Moon, and from the placement of the shadow,
in a waxing gibbous phase (that is, approaching full).

The upper figure I wasn't sure about. But it probably would be a planet,
because to be near the Moon it would be in or near the Zodiac. 

As there are 29 labled stars shown between them, the separation of 
Moon and Planet would likely be an entire constellation. The planet
is above the Moon, and that says the Moon would be at the most 
southerly point in its orbit, which occurs about every 40 years.

Mercury and Venus can be eliminated from the competition because
the Moon's rising and setting time in that phase is outside what's 
possible for those two planets.

I watched the sky over the whole of the 16th century, without seeing
anything likely. It was like looking for the proverbial needle in the

But the last word in the line of script around the Moon kept bugging
me. It looked like a date. So, just to see what would happen, I used
the correspondences of numerals to letters on f49v, which gives 
1-33. Since the other events found take place in the 16th century,
I assumed it was 1533, so looked at the sky that year.

Lo and behold, I found the diagram on 27 December 1533. It is
in Taurus, in the *same place* as the Moon shown in f68r3. 

In that year, the Moon is eclipsing the Hyades, at the southernmost
part of its orbit, and Mars is in the northernmost part of Taurus,
so the constellation is between them, just as predicted. 

I have made a jpeg (~35k) of it, if you would like to compare.

> For example how do you know that this is not the way round?

Sorry? I don't understand this question. The way round what?

I hope this is clear. I'll be glad to answer any other questions.

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