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Re: VMs: Ancient Symbols
Hi Dana,
Here are some interesting ancient symbols, a few of which can be found in
the VMS. Notice how "Sun Sign 2" resembles the VMS "Andromeda" (f68r1)
drawing. What strikes me about the drawing in the VMS is that it is
actually drawn with two sets of four spirals extending from the central
circles, one superimposed on top of the other. The inner circle may
represent the earth suspended over (or within) the whole of the universe,
with the shape of the outer edges of the universe unknown.
I had a problem with this too as I do not do this kind of work. I had a
theory and no way to prove it. So I asked. I presented the idea to a
scientist in the field and asked his opinion. According to his
measurements, IF this was a depiction of "our galaxy," the outer line /
circle went through our position in the galaxy ... our solar system.
The only counter discussion that came from this as I remember, was that
someone argued the Dr's 23,000 LY distance between us and the galactic
core, which the Dr refuted as being old data. He also said that this was a
drawing and not an exact plot, so to quibble over a few degrees was not
worth going into.
With regard to the swastika, the oldest info points to the ideas of "good."
Like the sphinx, we really do not know WHAT was in people's minds when they
designed it. But, it seems to be a sun symbol POSSIBLY dividing the 4
seasons. Was it a "destruction" symbol? I don't believe so. I believe,
using the archetypal "destruction" format, it was used to show the "good"
behind the actions of the "deity."
The earliest explanations / definitions do not harbor any "evil intent." So
we have a sort of circular, albeit broken into 4, symbol that is attached
to "good." In my mind, the only thing that is "circular" and attached to
"4" with ideas of "good," is the sun and the seasons. The "good" attachment
would represent an optimistic point of view that shows, even thought the
harsh times come (the warning from above), the god stays his hand and
returns us to "good weather."
Personally, I believe the 4 directions theory / round earth is too
simplistic. Although later interpretations connected the sun and seasons
with the dying god, loss of light / destruction scenario, I believe we are
looking at, like the Sumerian Dumu / Dumuzi story, the archetypal approach
for those later ideas.
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