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Re: VMs: Marci/Kircher letter 1640

--- Philip Neal <philipneal_vms@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have been transcribing the whole Marci-Kircher
> correspondence from the
> Carteggio Kircheriana site. Some of it is illegible
> or just beyond me
> but I will have a rough version on my site in a week
> or so. There are
> no references to the VMS apart from the ones already
> known but the
> Beinecke's Marci letter plainly fits into the rest
> of the correspondence.

Excellent, I am looking forward to this!
I have started on the Kinner letter, and
will add it to my we site too.
I understand that your Latin must be significantly
better than mine, and any suggestions for
corrections to the translations in 
http://www.voynich.nu/letters.html will be much

Kind regards, Rene

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