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Re: VMs: Astronomical Notes, Comments, and Replies
> No, I didn't notice this line, and I still don't notice it. I
> have three separate versions of this image, and each have their
> own "flaws" in photo-production. I see no such marking in the
> color image provided by Beinecke, if it is a mark you refer to.
Look at the spike to the right of the 'o' character. From the tip
at the ring of text is a "pie slice" (for want of a better term) without
text in it, but has four lines crossing it, followed by a dot, then
four more, then a dot...etc. out to the half-dark ovals.
That looks like a starting point, to me.
> If it is the line of ringed text directly circling the center,
> there should be nothing more noticeable than the *very large*
> break in the ring of text, a very common way of indicating
> beginning and ending points in circular text.
Yes, I see that break, and agree that's probably the starting
point for the sentence. But as I said, I wasn't concerned with
the rings of text, rather just the single characers around the
That the number/letter correspondences on f49v work for
dates in the Astro section indicates that the Author didn't
bother to create new characters for the numbers, just
assigned them to letters, as shown in the alphabetic
arrangement I posted the other day.
I was looking for a pattern of numbers in the diagram
to try and get a better handle on what it means.
I find your comments on the underlying language intriguing,
but I'm an astronomer, not a linguist (misquoting Dr. McCoy
from Star Trek : ) ).
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