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Re: VMs: Time to get hands dirty

2/22/03 9:03:20 AM, Big Jim <bigjim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>How about actually taking, for instance, John Stojko's already translated 
>(since 1978 I think) attempt and proving it wrong (or right).

Well, how about taking the Chinese hypothesis and proving it wrong?

The fairy hypothesis and proving it wrong? (The fairy hypothesis
does exist. It's old. Don Laycock and I came up with it over a bottle
of wine. Two, actually. Or perhaps three. I don't clearly remember,
which proves that, yes, it must have been more than one, definitely).

Or the Etruscan hypothesis (haven't I mentioned it yet?). There is
also the Pictish hypothesis and I distinctly remember having
mentioned it here.

Actually, I have come to suspect that someone in this group
wrote the VMS. John Baez looks to me like a likely culprit.
He is the one who started it all, with a post on sci.crypt,
13-14 years ago, and have you seen anything from him lately?
No. So there. 

In fact, remember Ahrens? He was an anthropologist who claimed
that cannibalism did not exist. His arguments boiled down to:
"Nobody's even been eaten and lived to tell the tale." Have you
seen the VMS? I haven't either. Only photos. Like cannibalism.
Tales. No first-hand experience. So here's another interesting
hypothesis: the VMS does not exist. Fairies don't exist either.
That makes my fairy theory pretty strong, doesn't it?

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