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Re: VMs: qo-words

Hi Gabriel,

At 17:16 10/03/03 +0000, Gabriel Landini wrote:
Or that q is just a null.

Though this is always a possibility, it may be worth examining the contexts before both <qo>- words and <o>- words to see if they're correlated at all. It certainly would seem to be fair game for stats. :-)

> One yet further inference might be that, as this would be a far more
> refined version of the "4"/"4o" alphabet-hiding mechanism used in various
> North Italian codes circa 1440-1455, it would almost certainly post-date
> them, while still having been devised by the same code-maker: all of which
> would date it to 1455 or later (my two current hypotheses are 1463 and
> 1465).

Although I like the idea, the only problem is that q appears *almost*
exclusively as word-initial (5423 out of 5456 instances!) Why should the
duplet be coding for a character at the begining of words and not elsewhere?

This is kind of why I thought <q> might indicate a "shift" token: its effect would then be local to the token it was attached to (which I'm guessing may be an interestingly-structured number format). The <q> token would then make little sense elsewhere in the text.

If the overall text was number-heavy (ie, had lots of code indices or numbers), that would explain much of the structural behaviour we've noticed over the years, so that presses my buttons. :-)

Finally: using "4" as a shift-token would also be interesting because the "4o" would be a kind of ironic steganography - someone who had seen the earlier "4"/"4o" codes might be misdirected into thinking "4o" was a single glyph. But perhaps I'm reading too much into my forensic cipherbet analysis here. :-)

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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