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Re: VMs: Bear with me...
That's certainly odd indeed. Two college student's
posting on the same day about basically the same
thing, what are the odds?
In answer to a few of your questions:
Q.Why would the writer(s) want to encode it in the
first place?
A. During the times that the VMS was most likely
written (13th century to 1608), it was common practice
to write certain texts in cipher so the information
did not fall in the wrong hands. Secret messages that
might be intercepted, texts that could be considered
heretical and magickal texts are the most common
For most such texts, the encoding was not as deep as
it appears to be in the VMS. Which is the biggest
reason it has yet to be deciphered, though there are
huge steps being taken to do just that.
Q. do they know what area it originally came from?
A. The VMS first appears in history in 1586 when it
was purchased by Rudolph II of Bohemia (allegedly from
Dr. John Dee himself). It would seem that the VMS was
written before even that date however, some historians
place it in the 13th century. There is no record as to
where it was originally from.
It is a truly facinating MS. I look forward to
learning more about it as well.
Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Bid,
Clint Knapp
--- PlantSuicideDrum@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Wow! I was going to write that exact same thing
> today! I have been reading
> these letetrs for a few weeks... I found the VM on
> an Astronomy website. I
> too am looking for a nice copy that i can look at. I
> am also 20 and a college
> student. My roomates are Assyrian...they know a few
> 'dead' languages and I'd
> like to have them take a look at it. i I have only
> known that this manuscript
> existed for a few weeks now, so please tolerate my
> questions
> Why would the writer(s) want to encode it in the
> first place?
> do they know what area it originally came from?
> i am very interested in the voynich manuscript and i
> hope you guys can help
> me (and clint) out with some of the basics
> ~crissi wright~
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