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RE: VMs: michiton oladabas explained

Hi all,


I have only just re-joined the list (last Thursday) after an absence of a few years. In medieval grimoires the plus signs between words indicate that the person should say the words and make the sign of the cross at the appropriate place, e.g. "In nomine Jesu + Christu +", make the sign of the cross after saying "Jesu" and "Christu"


Brett Cotton

 GC <glenclaston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just one of those historical artifacts that needs to be studied
in-depth is this "marginalia" thing.

My copy of Banke's Herbal (1526) from the British Library also has
marginalia on the title page, and this is also divided by the
"plus" sign.

It says (in jittery hand) FAS + MEAS + LAAS. Not only do we have
the plus sign divisions here, the seemingly indecipherable words,
but the "S" ending that is so common on folio 116v of the VMS.

Any ideas on why two different manuscripts would have these "plus
divided" words, and what they were for? This writing is clearly
not in the same hand of the VMS.


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