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RE: VMs: Re: Cicco Simonetta / Sartirana / library...?

Hi GC,

At 23:26 22/04/2003 -0500, GC wrote:
As to there being more than one hand involved in the writing, I've
tried in vain to find evidence of this.

I've said before that, content aside, one-hand-two-feathers would seem to be an adequate explanation of the text rendering style, so I can't disagree here.

More importantly, I hope the focus on a single glyph is not the
cornerstone of your theory.

Thankfully, not by a long way. :-)

In toto, we have 33
glyphs directly associated with shorthand systems, a number I'd
say is a bit more than coincidence?

You know my views on the VMS' cipherbet's probable reuse of a shorthand system (plus the renegade "4"), so I'm with you, brother. :-)

Nick, I know you well enough I hope, that you will take my
criticisms as constructive, and I look forward to your future
proofs.  In considering any theory, I look for cornerstones of the
argument, and I hope your larger presentation fills in a few more
stones than you've presented in this very abbreviated
presentation. I personally hope that you can point me to something
that agrees physically with your theory, and turns some of my
views on their head.  You don't stand a pepperoni's chance in
Domino's, but I do hope you try! :-)

I'm looking for the biggest physical proof that could exist - a smoking cannon, if you like. Perhaps it's under that castle, who knows? :-)

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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