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VMs: Musings, was RE: Cicco Simonetta etc...

--- Nick Pelling <incoming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > [Me:] What exactly are you hoping to find in that
> > castle? It would have to be quite a bit more than
> > an empty hidden room...
> Something buried in the foundations of a
> still-standing castle should still 
> be there, n'est-ce pas? :-)


A bit off-topic: this is one of my fundamental 
questions about our odd 'hobby':

1) If one day someone announced that he solved it
   and it is indeed true, should I (we) be

2) If one day I found the solution, how would
   I bring it?

3) If one day I (or whoever goes to Sartirana :-)
   found a document used by the VMs writer with
   the explanation how he did it (dictionary or
   encoding rules or whatever), would it feel
   like cheeting?

For me, I have a clear answer to nr. 1 but I would
be curious about others' opinions.


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