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Re: VMs: Serafini et Ely...

--- Bruce Grant <bgrant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On the other hand, it also seems reasonable that it
> is merely a  "prop",
> designed to represent a volume of secret knowledge,
> but not actually meaningful
> at all.

Hmmm! One could look at it like this:

While it seems like a lot of work to write the 
VMs, and it would not seem worth the effort if all
the contents are meaningless, it would have taken
a far greater effort to actually collect such an 
amount of 'real secret knowledge'. 
It might have been way over the head of the person
who wrote it.

A long time ago I was reading about Agrippa. He 
was the founder of one of many 'secret' groups.
Admittance to such groups would require some 
kind of qualification, and possession of a book
like the VMs might do it.

Cheers, Rene

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