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VMs: Re: Plumbing

The unamed author says:
>          the plumbing suggests that the joining, branching, tapering,
>          curving of the VMS designs could not be realised with the
>          technology of the time, but the Murano glassworks of the
>          Republic of Venice ( founded in 1291 ) could turn tubing
>          thus, albeit on a smaller scale.

I very much disagree. Ancient civilizations had running water, and pipes
with tapered ends. Check out: http://nabataea.net/waterw.html  The
Nabataeans were plumbing experts, and they invented the tapered ends of
pipes. I took an English buildilng contracter on a tour of Petra and the
surrounding area, and showed him some of the water works, and he was amazed
that the Nabataeans were using technology that the modern west did not
discover until only a century or two ago! This is simply another indication
that a civilization such as the Nabataeans had something to do with the
creation of the Voynich document.

Dan Gibson

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