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VMs: Speaking of Herbs ...

Dr. Bob Richmond, speaking of ancient world medical practices, notes,

>>About the only valid reason I can think of for trephining the skull in
the pre-modern world would be to relieve the pressure of a depressed
skull fracture on the underlying brain. If I recall correctly, the
Egyptians (perphaps the Ebers papyrus) understood this problem.  <snip> 
Now Nick Pelling mentions hemp. This gets interesting in a hurry. There
are two varieties of hemp (Cannabis sativa/indica/ruderalis/what have
you), fiber hemp and resin hemp. I believe it isn't clear just how widely
known resin hemp - hashish and so on - was in Europe before the
Napoleonic wars. <<

It's worth noting that in Classical Greece, when this procedure was
performed, the patients were at least sometimes anesthetized through use
of Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum).  In addition to its supposed
magical qualities, Mandragora has had a history of medicinal uses for
many centuries.  

Stephen A. Kallis, Jr.

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