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VMs: In answer to GC on the George Boole angle

I appreciate the points you raised. A lot of the questions you posed would
seem to totally negate my assumption. I threw this into the general pot to
emphasise the point that looking too closely at the problem may be closing a
lot of avenues of investigation. Problems are often solved by brainstorming.
However mad the idea seems it is thrown into the mix. This often sparks an
idea that would otherwise not have been considered.

I still feel that the George Boole connection has some part to play.
Obviously not the direct connection that I have proposed. Maybe his work was
the catalyst for Voynich to search out certain manuscripts. He must have
been aware of it. As the analysis of thought and language was one of the
themes Boole pursued, this seems to fit in well with a bookseller/collected
being influenced by this sought of topic.

No man is an island.


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