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RE: VMs: Re: word length counts
John Grove wrote:
> 135797531474 - prime number 13579 reversed onto itself to make a longer
> prime?
> 135797531 -- now what's that 474 doing there?
I dunno, a mirror image of "747", a Nostradamus prediction, perhaps? :-)
IMHO, it's there because the string needed to be 12 characters long, and the
addition of a non-two-spaced number like 4 generates offset numbers of
1,2,3, and 4.
In addition, textbook strings do not have recurring numbers or values, but
by 1623 we see a keyword "Temples" that employs the "e" twice. Think of the
mess you'd be in with something like "abracadabra"! This generates
distances of 3,2,2,3,1 respectively, counting only the a's. Make this a
moving target, say changing the overall alignment every word, and it's quite
a mess for the statistician.
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