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Re: VMs: RE: GC's first reply
Hi Gordon (and all),
On Tuesday 08 July 2003 09:16, Gordon Rugg wrote:
> The "hoax" theory is usually rejected on the grounds of what Dawkins calls
> "argument from personal incredulity", i.e. "I find it impossible to believe
> X".
I guess that Dawkins arguments works both ways :-/
I have this feeling that the hoax theory is one that some people tend to like
based on the semi-accurate assumption that "famous codebreakers could not
crack this ms.": if it cannot be cracked, it cannot be a language/code/cipher
and (by default) it must be a hoax.
It is a bit like "sour grapes". :-)
Also think that if the 600 ducats information was not in Marci's letter, then
the (old) value of the ms would be unknown and the "reward" for a hoax would
not be an issue. Would the hoax idea be as strong? Of course it is difficult
to speculate on things that haven't happened! :-)
> The problem with that is that expertise is brittle - the literature on
> expertise consistently reports that when experts move off their home
> ground, their performance drops rapidly to the level of lay people.
Well... experts *are* lay people which have an area of expertise! :-) but I
would be more cautious when listening to an expert outside their area of
expertise than listening to a non-expert on anything. Why? experts on
something may have a better methodological approach to dissect a particular
problem. Just think about Ventris' cracking of linear-B.
> As far as I can tell, we simply don't have much solid reported data about
> how easy or difficult it is to hoax any given feature of the VMS, so
> opinions about this are currently at the level of speculation.
What we know, though, (if one assumes that the ms was written in 1400s or
thereabouts) that a number of its statistical properties are very unlikely to
have been planned because their existence was not apparent at that time. One
cannot design what one does not know.
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