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VMs: VMS cipher?
Cipher text starts
azuq isr gfu xgsdm qrpdd iu sfkuorepf eq rg xlurluo rlu houtpgsq qufrufku
xeq hoghuodz roefqderum p' gfu burq rlu houtpgsq xogfb rlu 'gddgxpfb xgsdm
iu xogfb eq xudd iukesqu xu xgsdm roz rg nevu rlu houtpgsq heor 'pr pf edd p
bsuqq rler rluou eou rgg 'ux eiioutperpgf qznigdq pf rlu tnq kgmu rg ufkgmu
qskl e hpuku g' ruyr g' rlu qpau g' rlu tnq utuf p' rlu qenu qznigd ufkgmuq
ngou rlef gfu durruo bogsh xlpdu iosniesbl rlgsblr rler lu lem e reidu rler
xgovum p en qezpfb rler xu keffgr iu kuorepf utuf p' xu bur rlu opblr reidu
kluuoq beiopud
Cipher text ends
Plain text starts
Yes but one would still be uncertain as to whether the previous sentence was
properly translated If one gets the previous wrong the following would be
wrong as well because we would try to make the previous part fit
In all I guess that there are too few abbreviation symbols in the vms code
encode such a piece of text of the size of the vms even if the same symbol
encodes more than one letter group
While Brumbaugh thought that he had a table that worked I am saying that we
cannot be certain even if we get the right table
Plain text ends
Modified method stronger version of cipher
Cipher text starts
ybcy eks ldp qdqcy ckymv ms yskgmnkxk nc yk v'nyxce cnc qcvsvsoe sq's'ksk
dvn ynq'smcs 'vtgcyvqys kd qly gko' gck dqqlcqtt cccdv xmq qtqmxxcdc cdseq
kp xlkss yk nkvt otqqqys cn qdcos d'x s' kstn see 'me'lcdy osds cky qm qym m
qcyvd 'qey qexqd q'q mqi ds' qsoctciysq'c cdcmpmd qn qsx qkp qyqk so ypmqvn
esxt y gvkks q' dcey my v'k pxck cq qce slm okek cs mvs qyck yscecq qecovqe
ycnc psix oqc 'gcccx 'dev' ncqx' qs'vsy'tv cmlcvky ycy' qs mqt s mqq'c 'cqm
nsxq'q n 'i dqstcq xndq c' vyqceq yc q'yyt'e esxd cx qq qcv ydq venqn svkcq
lcneds ymlqytq
Cipher text ends
Same plain text encrypted with same method. And it's a simple variation on a
known method from the past.
The first cipher should be easy to break. The second would be more
There are a very large number of permutations from static to random. Is that
strong enough encryption to fit the VMS?
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