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VMs: Very important message!
The following is what I believe to be decoded text from the Voynich
Manuscript. Yes you read it right DECODED. It is four of the five lines from
F1r.P1. Note I have written the letter frequencies found underneath. These
came straight out when run manually through the decryption algorithm. If I
had not been right I would not have expected the frequency distribution. It
startled me how the patterns emerged.
The text I have posted needs examination by a linguist to check which
language would most match for the distribution. I know there is very little
text here but I plan to do more pages as and when time permits. Could
someone PLEASE examine this text for any known words. It could be in latin,
french, english or rumanian for all I know, but these languages must have
distinct frequency patterns. The text and character frequencies follow.
fcjfq qikl lr rttiqv fzvz dzvfp ava!!vw q iyf
hfp amrhr f!!p ikiz tjatiqv fzhr rrv gvahr tvahr
qyiqz jzloi mf pikiqv fzvr fvavorp avalw vdrriqv fs
diz p ajler tvahiqv prwhr thmhrqv
Letter frequencies (not in percentages just straight letter counts).
v=20, r=17, i=14, f=12, z=11, a=11, q=11, h=9, p=7, t=7, j=5, l=5, d=4, k=3,
o=3, w=3, m=3, y=2, b=1, c=1, g=1, u=1, n=1, s=1, e=1
P.S. The exclamation remarks remain as I did not have the character in the
alphabet I used but the decryption method can cope with this. You can decode
even with letters missing. Also can someone check the letter counts I made
as they were all manual. This would greatly affect the choice of letter if
the percentages are wrong. As I said earlier I will have more examples with
letter counts asap. I hope to get a programme written to automate the task.
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