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RE: VMs: Latin abbreviations

FWIW? :-)

Additionally [I believe] concerning "errors", one can SIMPLY STRIDE
or overlap ("LONG Gallows" the (evaT)ent-ire(evaT)) errors, then
continue on. (no problem). 

This will "explain" many of the gallow(s) START embellishments found.

NOT erase, but _new/current_ pointers etc..

good luck all
steve (go in-wards/not.out-wards) ekwall
"errors" abound, we need help now! :-)

 Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 17:45:35 -0500
 From: GC <glenclaston@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 Reply-To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: RE: VMs: Latin abbreviations
 Matthew wrote:
 Does the idea of Latin abbreviations not raise questions about who the
 Voynich manuscript was intended for? If it's a write-only document with
 incomprehensible abbreviations, only understood by the author(s), then the
 neatness, the lack of crossings-out, the exotic drawings of nymphs and the
 like do not make much sense. Why would the author go to the trouble of
 ensuring that the VMS was a more-or-less pristine copy with precise diagrams
 if it was only a set of notes for his own benefit?
 Hi Matthew,
 I thought I'd clarify a point that is made a lot of, but may not be a valid
 observation.  Several web pages mention that the VMS is virtually devoid of
 errors, but having studied the text I don't get the sense that this is true.
 There are words with an "o" written over the word, as if the glyph was left
 out, and there are what appear to be corrections on several pages.  Lest we
 forget, this is written on vellum, not paper.  It was a practice to scrape
 or rub the ink from the surface when errors were made, so in this light few
 errors would actaully appear to us.  So much bad has been said about the
 copyflo (me included), but the one thing it seems to be good for is showing
 varying grades of "dirt" embedded on the surface of the manuscript.  Start
 looking through for smudged or rubbed areas and your opinion about errors in
 the VMS may well soon change.

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