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VMs: Re: Currier A and B + conjecture

Gabriel wrote:
> > That should not be the case for the shorter vocabulary in VMS, we could
be almost sure about that :-)
> There is a perception (unjustified, I think) that the vms vocabulary is
short. I do not think it is. Words are shorter than English and Latin, but
the vocabulary is about 8200 words, that is not very short, I think.

Please forgive my slip. Actually, I intended to mean: the shorter word
average lenght of VMs vocabulary, when compared with likely plaintext
languages in a one to one basis for character encipherment.

> > It may be just a terribly attractive coincidence, but we have exactly 9
equally-likely objects containing labels and rings of text arranged in an
impressive composition in f85_86. One of the objects contains a collection
of 10 labels...
> Can you post the 10 labels? I'll check if they appear anywhere else.

I had already posted that on July 14:
"There are ten labels inside Kether (The N sephira) in f85_86
#01-okory   "

I checked the appearing of those labels in the interlinear file, the ones
sided by a * appear in other places in VMS; the others have only that unique
presentation. "|" indicates alternate readings.

I was thinking about performing an ampler and more sophisticated research on
the conjecture that each one of the nine sephiroth in f85_86 may contain a
codetable that the VMs author used in an alternate and systematic way. There
are other brains in VMs list burning glycosis on the prospect of several
codetables. Stolfi's finding about the identity between the mean word size
of VMs vocabulary with a binomial distribution of 9 coin tosses+1 arouse my
expectations about that possibility. As Stolfi said, that fact "cries or an
explanation". I regret not being able to do that myself properly, and I am
trying to provoke an interest in what I consider to be a very promising new
line of research.

Jorge Aveleira

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