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Re: VMs: 1912 Jaunts

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Gabriel Landini wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 July 2003 17:44, Mart Vabar wrote:
> > of course, and so, we can't drop the working theory of V. as a
> > spy/conspirator/(even provocator and maybe more)
> In that case, please explain the existence of the letters in the Carteggio 
> Kircheriano. These were indexed in each volume. Little chance of inserting 

Well, of couse - so it is.
But this does not change the fact, that V. was a spy (and more) and worked for 
secret services. These people are not walking around alone and it has always 
been difficult to draw a line between them and the organised crime - both 
consider law as some not too imperative thing.

Also - it's pretty possible to prove, if somerbody did know something.
But it is virtually impossible to prove, that the open and helpful community
(just joking) of counterfeit documents and antiquities did NOT know about
these letters - which (please tell, if I am wrong), don't describe the VMS
in detail (and how sure at all can one be about the object of these letters?).


Well, these letters could mean a lot - but maybe it's just too 
early to nail some doors? We still do not know, what the VMS is...

... in short, to make the dimensions of this labyrinth  reasonable,
we probably need more physical data about VMS ... anybody agrees?

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