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VMs: Transcription scanner (seeking permission)

In an attempt to make life easier for myself, I've written a webpage
that scans VMS transcriptions for words and lines that start/end with
(or contain) user-specified sequences of letters, as well as repeated
structures within lines.

It occurred to me that others on the list might also find this scanner
useful. However, I'm currently using Takeshi Takahashi's 1998
transcription as my source, and ought to get his permission before
making the scanner publicly available. Does anyone know Takeshi
Takahashi's email address. If so, please DON'T post it to the list, as
it'll be picked up by spam-bots. Instead, please email it directly to
myself on m.stannett at dcs.shef.ac.uk.

I have temporarily uploaded the page to the otherwise empty site
http://codesandciphers.info/voynich/ so that Takeshi Takahashi can
verify the use to which I'm putting the transcription. Assuming I get
permission to leave it online, I'll keep the scanner there for as long
as possible, but I may have to remove it again if too many people use
it too often for my bandwidth allowance to cope. If this happens,
would anyone be willing to mirror the page; it's written in PHP and
HTML. Please note that I've not yet had time to perform thorough
testing of the code.

Incidentally, if anyone else has a transcription, I can easily amend
the page to allow scanning of other text files.

Best wishes, Mike Stannett
Sheffield University Computer Science Dept
Regent Court, 211 Portobello Street
Sheffield S1 4DP, United Kingdom
FAX: ++44 (0)114 222-1810

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