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RE: VMs: Voynich Information?
Nick wrote:
> >for another project site.
> From the number of hits you often get for the Wikipedia, it should be
> plain that being a Wiki is no obstacle to being crawled over by a search
> engine. :-)
> And it *is* on your site, so a link to the front page from inside
> your site
> should suffice to get things picked up by plenty of spiders... :-)
You preempted a private email, asking you whether you wanted to link your
Wiki to the index.html, which you would have to write if it were to happen!
:-) As I've attempted to explain to many, it's not my site. It was set up
to provide a Frank Lloyd Wright style sketch pad for Voynich enthusiasts
such as yourself, by invitation, without an "overlord" to monitor your every
expression. It has a 5 year presence guaranteed, and beyond that it can be
re-evaluated. It isn't mine at all, rather a concept that might require a
little more effort selling it than I've put into it so far.
Do you have a developed idea about the VMS and need webspace to present
this? See Nick, he'll set you up! :-) No, seriously, he will. The site
can handle only a relatively small number of direct users at a time, more
FTP than shell, but if someone wants their own directory and a link on the
index.html for search engines, ask Nick or myself, and this can be set up
for you. If you don't want your personal e-mail link to be displayed on the
page, unlimited email transfer is possible. I have "editor@xxxxxxxxxxxx" as
an example, that transfers all incoming mail to my home address. Cuts down
on spammers since the site has a built-in spam filter. 600mb of storage,
with 500mb currently available, and more when I move some of my large files
to a new location.
I had only offered a limited number of invitations, due to the fact the site
can handle only a limited number of direct users. However, if Nick is
willing to help aid others in setting up their directories and provide
temporary transfer passwords, it might become something along the lines of
the intial vision. Large pdf's like Ken's images will not reside on this
site, but on another, with links to them from voynich.info. Space-sharing,
and bandwidth sharing. I was surprised to tally it all up and find that I
had 7gig available on my sites. I doubt there'll be a need for expansion in
the near future. If you've got it to post, we'll work with you.
> Everyone can contribute to a Wiki - I'm not a Wiki fascist by any means!
> Please help to get it right - it should take hardly any of your time. :-)
What's wonderfully whacky while wildly wierd Wiki got to do with it? I made
specific points via mailing list to your errant posts on wiki, and what do I
get for discussion? A used car salesman. Let's see, your thing is Italy,
Italy is in the shape of a boot, a Jack Boot, and Mussolini was from Italy.
Didn't he sell used cars?
Phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttt! :-)
okay, I'll think about contributing, but only if you bring the warm beer.
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