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Re: VMs: Image Source, Accuracy of Transcriptions

30/08/2003 11:57:11 PM, illumin8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>Is your paper
>available & au Englais?

In French only: "Peut-on se fonder sur le témoignage
de Métoro pour déchiffrer les rongorongo?" Journal de
la Société des Océanistes, 108/1:125-132 (1999)

>Tahitian dyslexia aside, are you against the IDEA of a
>proto-pan-Polynesian language

At the time of Gauguin? Yes of course.

>or just that Metoro & Fell fail to
>convince you of their claims?

They are different. Metoro was a conman (and 
Jaussen eventually realized that), whereas
Fell was a self-deluded kook. What do they say in the
Navy? "If it moves, salute it. If it doesn't move,
paint it". With Fell it was: "if it looks like
writing, decipher it". You will find a few samples of
Fell's delusions here:


and specifically:


But what I like best is his translation of an
inscription on a bamboo tube from Sumatra
(Sumatra? I think Sumatra). To him it's a
prayer in Maori written in the Libyan alphabet.
In reality it's in Batak and means "this contains
a medicine called pupusan".

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