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Re: VMs: VMS generator table
On Friday 05 December 2003 01:08, Jeff wrote:
> Find it here http://www.georgeboolefanclub.com/vmstextgenerator.html
Sorry if this sounds disappointing, but that is an unnecessarily complicated
and not accurate transition probability table (given 2 characters, generate
the third one).
Why "unnecessarily complicated"? Because there is a better way to encode SMX
by using the space character. The space tells you whether you are at the
start or end of a word.
Why "not accurate"? because the same weight is given to all the transitions.
If you followed the suggestions posted so many times to read the mail
archives AND Bennett's book (which I suggested to you not too long ago) you
would have saved yourself a lot of time.
Jacques' MONKEY can do this type of text generation in a more accurate way.
If done properly (as with MONKEY) the approximation to the VMS is only valid
for the order n length, but not beyond (i.e. if one is generating the third
character the result shows the right proportion of triplets (they are all
valid ones) but not 4-plets, 5-plets etc.).
That is why it is so easy to spot that your generator is not accurate. Any
word with more than 3 characters may have a "never seen" combination of
You could try order making higher order tables, but I still suggest to read
Bennett's book before spending any more efforts on this.
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