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Re: VMs: Re: RE: Why is the VMS so hard?

What I meant is that I would like to understand where this effort to produce Voynich-like text is going.

For example, it is possible to generate English-like text using letter or word frequency statistics with a random process (I think they used to call these "travesty generators") but the results don't really shed any light on real English. In particular, I'm not certain that knowing how to generate text that resembles the VMS even very closely would tell us much about what the VMS author was doing.

Before exploring the process in detail, I'd like to understand its purpose better.


Jacques Guy wrote:
11/12/2003 9:32:50 PM, Bruce Grant <bgrant@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Could you take another shot at explaining your approach in general 
terms? I'd be interested to understand it.

I'd rather have it specific terms. Like: take this sentence and
encipher it explaining every step in full detail. The sentence
itself does not really matter. This one will do nicely:

"Could you take another shot at explaining your approach"

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