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VMs: The Letter Table on f1r

I spent some time last night using Photoshop to try and bring
out detail of the letter table, to decidedly poor results. That may
be because of the poor quality copy I have of that folio.

I used the brightness/contrast and even inverted
the black and white.

In the leftmost line, "a, b, c" were plain enough, and I could 
make out "d" and "e". The only other letter I could identify 
was "g".

In the second line, where Jim Reeds read (EVA) <d> I saw
<s>. That was the only thing visible in that column.

The third column was not visible at all.  Does anybody have
a better copy of that folio?

Here are Reed's results:

a    <d>
c    <r>
r------ a gallows letter
y    <g>

Of these four, two agree with Jorge Stolfi's vowel/consonant
list and one does not. The identification of <g> as a "y" places
it at the end of a row of vowels.


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