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VMs: shorthands
Hi folks
I'm new to the list, but have had a passing interest in Voynich for a
year or so.
Recently I was doing some work in the British Library looking at some
17th C manuscripts on speech and language, and came across Lodwick's
attempts to devise a script for a universal language (a popular concern
at the time as I'm sure you all know).
If any of you have access via your institute's library have a look at
the EEBO electronic resource (Early English Books Online) and you'll
find some facsimile material there.
I followed the trail/train of thought having noticed vague visual
similarities with V.
I am intrigued by the shorthand possibilities, as opposed to
cryptography per se - it seems more parsimonious to think of shorthand
as a simple scheme of writing for relative secrecy. I plan to spend a
couple more days in BL later in Feb.
So - some questions:
What shorthands have already been considered, and as shorthand
representations of what languages?
Has the anyone seriously considered/dismissed 'universal language' type
of explanations?
Any hints as to what I might usefully look at.
Dr William H Edmondson
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston B15 2TT
United Kingdom
Voice - +44-121-414-4763
email - w.h.edmondson@xxxxxxxxxx
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