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Re: VMs: Glyphset ramblings

Hi Barbara :-)

you wrote: <snip most till end>............
 My own theory is that that voynichese is a writing system, one wich uses a
 "logic" unknown to us. As such no amount of cryptography can possibly
 "crack" it. So my own invistigaton (preceding from the *assumptuion*) that
 it is a writing system is to unlock how that writing system works; eg I
 think the repeated words are not cryptographic nulls but integral to the
 orthography as either puncutualtion or grammer (eg a thrice repeated word
 could simply be a plural form. Doubles could be comas, stops, or starts;
 sets of repeats could be isolating clauses). Likewise I think each letter
 has more than one purpose depending upon word possition. In Labels I'm
 convinced that "o" is a grammatical type marker, but a phoneme or phonemes
 within the body text.
 Knowing how the system works will not in itself decipher it, but may provide
 a key for doing so.


Your (above) mentioned KEY is easily exposed in just a FOLDED piece of 
paper (or old vellum if you like), any way,... EACH LETTER ~does have 
More than ONE~ (1) purpose. The _lower case(s)_ point (directing to 
where) it's the current character, the GALLOWS allow a change KEY PAGE 
of (8x8)... so one can continue to "DeCoDe IT" (lower case stay STATIC 
on this/or ANY KEY PAGE)..

No need for comma's, stops, or starts... however, the iii's and ccc's 
and all the mixes i, ii, iii, & c, cc, ccc can ~appear confusing~ THAT 
WAS THE POINT of the author...  one simnply should follow the ~flow~ 
of its construction (THAT being of a simple FOLDED PIECE of 

Hope that helps
steve (good luck ALL) ekwall :-)
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