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Re: VMs: some thoughts/observations
Hi Nick et al.
I misrepresented my position, I suspect.
Re VMs there are three options.
1/ complete gibberish - fails the structure assessment
uncontroverisally; I'm not convinced it's gibberish and reasonably
convinced it's not.
2/ completely genuine by an alchemist, or whomever, trying to
protect/hide their discoveries/beliefs..... for their own
use/posterity.... and the key(knowledge) is lost until it is
deciphered. I'm really unconvinced by this possibility.
3/ forgery/fake in the sense that it is readable if you know the key,
but probably banal/meaningless in actual content. It is trying to look
important/significant to convince someone, and might even be readable
aloud by the author..... but is actually content free other than
pastiche of alchemical stuff at the time.
I favour 3.
I am really puzzled that its form is not bothering more people. But it
does present a decipherment challenge.
Does that appeal to anyone else?
On 20 Feb 2004, at 15:55, Nick Pelling wrote:
Hi William,
At 14:16 20/02/2004 +0000, William Edmondson wrote:
You also ask why many of us are dismissive of Kelley-as-hoaxer
theories: my own opinion is simply that it is hard to explain why a
hoaxer would go to the trouble of producing an ms with structure at
every level - stroke adjacency, letter adjacency, letter pairs, word
structure, word-initial, word-final, Neal keys, line-beginning,
line-end, paragraph, page, language. The question also arises as to
why they would use a character set which is unsuited to fast writing
with a quill (this would seem to be a very poor decision), and
non-flamboyant content (as opposed to alchemy or obscure religious
symbols). Furthermore, even if you accept that they would be
bothered to take all those on as design aims, what was their
methodology - ie, how did they achieve them?
I'm not convinced that the effort required to produce VMs indicates
genuineness at the expense of fake. Fakers will surely go to
enormous lengths, if they think it will pay off (that could be an
erroneous assumption). Complexity of structure? Why not, if both
Kelley and Dee found such things as Enochian easy enough to
perpetrate then why not VMs???
Go on - try to convince me!
While there are many on-list who have far greater knowledge of
Enochian than I do, it does seem quite evident to me that, when
comparing it to the VMs, the two are really quite different beasts.
I'm happy to trust Jacques Guy on this one: exactly a year ago today,
he posted:
Voynichese is entirely unlike Enochian. Laycock had had a close look
the VMS. He'd obtained a microfilm from Yale, and I'd printed perhaps
sixty enlargements.
What I'm saying is that the real question isn't "why not", but "how".
Sure, we can always play "Conspiracy Top Trumps", guessing which
historical figure would have been most likely to fake the VMs - but
the entire hoax argument falls over if you can't figure out how it was
done. Again, if you think that explaining the complexity of structure
isn't a problem, you're in the same boat as Gordon Rugg (and possibly
sinking fast). :-o
Finally: while I *can* imagine someone constructing a composite cipher
system (out of numerous simpler parts) to produce what we see in the
VMs, I find it extremely difficult to imagine an artificial language
maker wasting space on verbose-cipher-like characters (qo, or, ol, dy,
etc) - and I find it even harder to imagine a faker using a
barely-writable character set (AIUI, each glyph can take up to 6 or 7
strokes to form) for a 200+ page hoax, let alone one with so many
layers of structure.
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
PS: FWIW, what's the biggest fake you know of? (Please nobody say
"WMD"). :-p
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Dr William Edmondson
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