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Re: belated replies: [was VMs: Evita, EVA, and transcriptions.]

Barbara Barrett wrote:

>I've absolutely no idea what "outsider art" is so I haven't the foggiest

   Outsider art is art done by persons who, for one reason or another, are not subject to cultural conditioning and social conformity: recluses, misfits, inmates of psychiatric hospitals, prisoners, marginal individuals of all kinds.

   The term is a translation of "art brut".  The Collection de l?Art Brut" at Lausanne, Switzerland 
has a site:


where I find an exhibition, interestingly enough:

Écriture en délire

   Here's a good site:


  The VMs could easily be outsider art.  Once again, I don't know what that would tell us, since it's nothing if not idiosyncratic.  

   I've always wondered whether there was an unknown group that produced similar documents, and this is the only surviving example.   

>One the herbal side, I asked an acquaintance who dabbles in herbal medicine
>how she'd date an old herbal. Her answer was quite surprising, she'd look
>for specific plants. Apparently plants had "fashions" that came and went in
>specific eras. 

   This is certainly interesting!  Can you show her some VMs images?


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