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Re: VMs: computer gaming

Hi everyone,

At 03:46 23/03/2004 -0500, Bill Dimitroff wrote:

BROKEN Sword 3: Sleeping Dragon
GamePro - USA

The adventurous duo of George Stobbart and Nico Collard are drawn into a
terrfying conspiracy to harness an ancient power. Brought together by fate and
intriqued by the mystery, they fight sinister forces, uncover an ancient
conspiracy, and discover a fiendish source of pure evil. Lured into the steaming
jungles of the Congo, castles in Prague, the chic back-streets of Paris and the
historic English village of Glastonbury, the duo must unrvael the mystery
involving the 'Voynich Manuscript' which holds the secrets of the evil power, the
Sleeping Dragon, and save mankind.

The sleeping dragon is, of course, on f25v. :-)

FWIW, my tenuous claim to fame here is that the game's dead hacker (Vernon Blier, who cracks the VMs, but then gets killed by an evil cabal, pausing only to leave a video message for George and Nico on a hidden DVD-RAM) was based (loosely) on me. :-)

My old friend Charles Cecil (who runs Revolution, the game's developer) took some digital photos of my face when we went up to Temple Bruer for a medieval reconstruction day and picnic, and Revolution's artists later mapped those textures onto a (rather unflatteringly podgy) facial mesh... and the rest is (secret) history! :-)

Of course, I've delayed cracking the VMs until now in order not to spoil his sales. :-)

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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