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RE: VMs: Folio and Quire numbers FW: RE: historic vellum indentures


>     What does this mean? If anything... We knew the
> numbers on the folios were of a different style than the
> quire markings, but perhaps these dates above just add a
> little more weight to the age of the VMS - (my view is
> that the VMS quire numbers were marked by the author - but
> there is no way to substantiate that). Nonetheless,
> according to this source - the variations of numerals fell
> into the above centuries rather neatly and gives us
> another reference where at least the quire markings were
> written prior to the 16th century [big assumption that the
> 16th century didn't use the same style of numerals
> depicted here].

Agree. I believe quire markings were made first with the
purpose of helping the assembly of the manuscript, using the
archaic forms. It seems folio markings were added latter by
one of the owners, using modern forms. It is unlikely that
the same person would use two different sets of numerals.

If this is the case it hints that one of these is true (or
1) The time span between quire and folio numbers was not
2) They may have originated from different regions, where
conventions for writing numerals were different.

It is also sad that we have no indication from Baresch or
Marci on how old the VMs appeared to be at that time. Based
on the appearance of the vellum or general conditions of the
bindings, they could at least know if the VMs was a recent
document or not.

>     John.

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