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VMs: VBScript for finding repeating strings
I've been playing around with this VBscript. It looks for repeated strings
in a document that are longer than a set minimum. I have run it on a text
that I know well. It looks as if repeating strings are quite significant for
the story - at least I recognize their relevance. I have not tried it on the
VMS yet, I want to get a feel for what it does first.
Feel free to play around with it and I'm curious about your comments. It
should run on any WIndows system "as is". Just click the file.
NB: I fully expect that I've been reinventing the wheel :-)
NB: It is - as yet - horrendously inefficient. It uses N^2 operations for
analysis of a text of N characters. But my time is more valuable than the
computer's - isn't it? And the computer works while I sleep :-)
' Name: repeat_strings.vbs
' Version: 0.1
' Date: 17 may 2004
' Author: Petr Kazil
' Description: Searches for repeated strings in a text file
' Contact: pklist01@xxxxxxxxx
Option Explicit
Const ForReading = 1
Dim inputFile : inputFile = ""
Dim outputFile : outputFile = "repeated_strings.txt"
Dim lineNumber : lineNumber = 0
Dim objFSO : objFSO = Null
Dim objFile : objFile = Null
Dim line : line = ""
Dim longString()
Dim WshShell : WshShell = Null
Dim Junk, objFileOut
Dim length, length1, length2
Dim i,j, distance, match, matchString, minLength, matchPlace1, matchPlace2
' Open input file
inputFile = Inputbox( _
"Search for repeat_strings" & _
chr(10) & "pklist01@xxxxxxxxx" & _
chr(10) & chr(10) & _
"Input file:", "D:\Home\Input_file.txt")
If inputFile = "" Then
End If
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists(inputFile) Then
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(inputFile, ForReading)
Wscript.Echo "Error : No input file : " & inputFile
End If
' Create output file
If objFSO.FileExists(outputFile) Then objFSO.DeleteFile outputFile , True
Set objFileOut = objFSO.CreateTextFile(outputFile, True, False)
' Read the file and put it in one long array
' Replace end-of-lines with spaces
lineNumber = 0
length1 = 0
Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream = False
line = objFile.ReadLine
line = line & " " 'Replace end of line by space
lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
length2 = Len(line)
ReDim Preserve longString (length1 + length2)
for i = 0 to length2 - 1
longstring (length1 + i) = Mid(line, i+1, 1) ' Strings run from 1 to N
length1 = Ubound(longString)+1
length = Ubound(longString) + 1
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Junk = Msgbox ("Input file: " & vbTab & inputFile & vbNewLine & _
"Lines read: " & vbTab & lineNumber & vbNewLine & _
"length : " & vbTab & length )
' Compare characters a certain distance apart
' Start at difference 1 and continue until difference length-1
match = 0
minLength = 12
matchString = ""
For distance = 1 To Ubound(longString)-1
For j = 0 To Ubound(longString) - distance
If longString(j) = longString(j+distance) Then
If match = 1 Then
matchString = matchString & longString(j)
matchString = longString(j)
match = 1
matchPlace1 = j
matchPlace2 = j+distance
End If
match = 0
If Len(matchString) > minLength Then
objFileOut.Writeline matchPlace1 & vbTab & matchPlace2 & vbTab & _
Len(matchString) & vbTab & "|" & matchString & "|"
matchString = ""
End If
End If
' End program
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