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Re: VMs: VMS provenance

Borek Lupomesky wrote:
> > I am struggling with all this with Hamptonese.  There
> > is more likelihood there that Hamptonese is written
> > glossalalia.
>    If I recall correctly, Hampton drew some plans or schemes for his Throne that contain labels in Hamptonese. How do these labels fit in with the glossolalia theory?

	If the labels seem consistent across different labels,
then it contradicts the glossalalia theory.  I need to
get more info on the labels from the Smithsonian. 

	As it is, the Ten Commandments pages in the Drawing
section have Hamptonese labels that are consistent with
different formats for the Table of the Ten
Commandments.   Although the Hamptonese text is mostly
a single "word" for a single Commandment, this is a
good indication that Hamptonese is not glossalalia.  

	We also have two bilingual pages in the Drawings
section, as well as several versions of the Seven
Dispensations in Hamptonese.  These I will definitely
have a further look it.  

	However, does anyone knows of a genuine sample of
"written glossalalia" / glossagraphia, of size
comparable to the Hamptonese Diary (29K) or the VMs
(?250K).  This would give us a point of reference, and
some basis of saying whether something is "gibberish"
or not.  

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