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Re: VMs: Re: Who got ...?

--- Mart Vabar <mesinik@xxxxxx> wrote:

> > > Mart Vabar wrote:
> > this was the time, he began to create the "legend"
> about this tome for
> > typical buyers in anglo-american market.
> I just wanted to say, the legend was created before
> it was pushed out for sale
> btw, I still hope, it could be"real stuff" from XV
> century

Hello Mart,

this was a real concern at the time when there were
no external references to the Voynich MS. Only
the MS itself existed, and the Marci letter that
referred to it was found inside it.

Now, there are various letters referring to it 
from different authors, written between 1637 and
1667. This pushes the earliest date of the MS
back to that time.


Both have recently been brought up to date. I
am still working (a bit) on

Cheers, Rene

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