> One bit of evidence from this approach hasn't made much impression on
> the mailing list, but may interest you. From the literature on expert
> and novice behaviour, we'd predict that if Kelley created a second
> language after Enochian, it would contain over-corrections for the worst
> features of Enochian. There's general agreement that these worst
> features are the syntax (identical to that of Elizabethan English); the
> lack of morphemic structure within words (any character can follow any
> other) and the script, which is not ergonomically good. Over-correcting
> for these would produce something with syntax very different from
> Elizabethan English (or no syntax at all); strict rules about which
> characters can follow which other ones; and an ergonomically efficient
> script. That looks to me like a pretty good description of Voynichese.